Have you figured out how to deal with this crisis and change your business model?

Views : 791
Update time : 2020-06-05 18:56:24
2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. New coronaviruses suddenly strike, disrupt everyone's pace of life and work schedule, and causing incalculable losses to society, the country and the world. Its appearance not only changed people's lifestyles and habits, but also presented opportunities and challenges to all walks of life!

It has severely cracked down on the development of many traditional industries. Traditional businesses, especially physical stores, have suffered the most "shock" during this period; e-commerce has ushered in the spring, and many Internet companies have not been affected much. Like self-media, short video, new media, etc., the "revenue" during this period is still good. For some people, seeing problems is a problem, but those with a positive attitude see opportunities as opportunities. The crisis contains business opportunities. After the storm, it is a rainbow. The epidemic situation is also a business opportunity.

Have you figured out how to deal with this crisis and change your business model?